
Communion (Lyrics)


Thank you guys
Thank y’all so much
We thought it would be, uh
Kind of a sweet moment tonight if we could take communion with you guys before you go home
Did anybody happen to see the communion elements as you’ve been walkin’ in tonight?
I, uh
Couple of years ago, I had a chance to write this song, um
With some friends of mine
When I was workin’ at church, um
I always had the hardest time pickin’ out a song to use for communion at the end of service
So I thought, “Well, we should just try to write one of our own”
And, um
I remember growin’ up as a kid
Communion was always so intense, you know? It was like one of thesе
One of these things whеre you didn’t wanna breathe
You didn’t wanna make a move, and, uh
I always thought, “Man, this should be a celebration,” like
We get to celebrate and remember what Jesus Christ did on the cross for us
If we’re believers
Because we know he’s comin’ back to get us and take us home one day, and then
And so we thought tonight, um
We’d play this song for you guys, we would
Play a couple verses and choruses and then we’ll drop out
And Ben and his band and some crew guys
Anybody that wants to come out from backstage is gonna come out, and
We’re gonna sing through a bridge of this song and kinda set this up
But there’s a bridge in this song that says
“Nothing can separate what the good Lord brings together
If you know His love, raise your cup, hallelujah, we remember”
This song’s called “Flesh and Bone”

