
My Soul Magnifies The Lord (Lyrics)


Verse 1
Good news of great joy
For every woman, every man
This will be a sign to you
A baby born in Bethlehem

Chorus 1
Come and worship
Do not be afraid

Verse 2
A company of angels
Glory in the highest
And on the earth peace among
Those of whom His favor rests

Chorus 1

Chorus 2
My soul, my soul magnifies the Lord
My soul magnifies the Lord
He has done great things for me
Great things for me

Verse 3
Unto you a child is born
Unto us a Son is given
Let every heart prepare His throne
And every nation under Heaven

Chorus 1

Chorus 2x2

Verse 3
Of His government there will be no end
He’ll establish it with His righteousness
And He shall reign on David’s throne
And His name shall be from this day on
Wonderful Counselor, Everlasting Father
Wonderful Counselor
His name shall be Everlasting Father

My soul, my soul magnifies the Lord
My soul, my soul magnifies the Lord
He has done great things for usx4
My soul, my soul magnifies the Lordx4

Chorus 2x2

He has done great things
He has done great things

