编曲:Jeff Lams
前奏 → 主歌 1 → 主歌 2 → 副歌 1 → 副歌 2 → 间奏 → 主歌 2 → 副歌 1 → 副歌 2 → 副歌 3 → 结尾
主歌 1
祢的恩典够我用 在我软弱困苦中
每个脚步祢立定 每天需要祢供应
主歌 2
祢的恩典够我用 当四围波涛汹涌
无论前途将如何 祢是我生命舵手
副歌 1
再次信靠祢 生命交给祢 我慈爱的父亲
炼淨我的心 使我能像祢 辉映祢荣形
副歌 2
再次信靠祢 生命交给祢 我慈爱的父亲
开我的眼睛 使我得见祢 明白祢心意
副歌 3
再次信靠祢 生命交给祢 我慈爱的父亲
展开我双臂 欣然奔向祢 安稳祢怀裡
Intro → Verse 1 → Verse 2 → Chorus 1 → Chorus 2 → Interlude → Verse 2 → Chorus 1 → Chorus 2 → Chorus 3 → Tag
Verse 1
Your grace is all I need
Through the trials of my life
For in You my steps succeed
With the helps that You provide
Verse 2
Your grace is all I need
When the billows overwhelm
For where’er the voyage leads
You’re the captain at the helm
Chorus 1
So I’ll trust in You, give my life to You
Dear Father of Mine
And my heart refine to make it as Yours
With Your likeness shine
Chorus 2
And I’ll trust in You, give my life to You
Dear Father of Mine
Give me open eyes so I may see You
And your will divine
Chorus 3
Yes, I’ll trust in You, give my life to You
Dear Father of Mine
With my arms held wide, I’ll run to Your side
Safely there entwined
Your grace is all I need